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Poole Business
25th Anniversary Think and Do the Extraordinary

Think and Do the Extraordinary

In October 2016, NC State launched its $1.6 billion campaign to Think and Do the Extraordinary — the largest fundraising effort in our university’s history.

Dean Annette L. Ranft shares how philanthropy fuels innovation in education, research and industry engagement at the Poole College.

As part of that effort, the Poole College of Management will raise $65 million to support scholarships, research, curricular and cocurricular programs, and facilities.


rise in annual giving
from FY ‘16 to FY ‘17


of total gifts and new
commitments in FY ‘17
from corporate sources


rise in corporate matching
from FY ‘16 to FY ‘17

At Poole College, we’re no strangers to the power of private support. In 2010, a generous gift from Lonnie C. Poole Jr. and his wife Carol Johnson Poole made this the first endowed college at NC State. Benjamin P. “Ben” Jenkins III endowed our graduate school, and Steve and Judy Zelnak created the university’s first endowed dean’s chair. Thanks to the ongoing support of our alumni and friends, we’re now recognized as a world-class college of management.

Our star is rising. Our students, faculty and programs are thriving. And our extraordinary future is within reach.

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